Kwik Strip




Here at Kwik Strip we are hearing a lot of stories where people are treating mould multiple times and they end up running around in circles chasing it.

The biggest problem with mould is the mould cycle. Think of it like nits and nit eggs: you kill the mould (nits) but the spore (nit eggs) aren’t treated at the 7-10 day period or not at all. Just like nits and their eggs it will always come back if not treated correctly.

The other problem we are seeing is people are treating the visible mould only. 99% of moulds/spores are not visible to the human eye. This makes treating mould difficult when trying to kill something you cannot see.

Our treatment process fills the entire house, caravan, car, shed, commercial premises from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. We even treat the roof cavities, false ceilings and wall cavities – our process permeates deep into curtains, lounge coverings, carpets and any other soft furnishings. Hard surfaces are treated in the same way.

Your furniture and appliances do not need to be moved; we just ask that you leave your cupboard doors open during treatment and we’ll do the rest! You’re left with a non-sticky surface that is safe to touch after treatment. There is no need to wipe anything down.

The added freebie is we also treat for bacteria and viruses in the same treatment and it also kills dust mites.

Our treatments aren’t just for flood affected homes – we travel from Coffs Harbour to Brisbane and treat fully furnished homes battling mould as a result of increased moisture/humidity in the air. We can also treat other outdoor areas with our spray treatments, check for rising damp and test for excess moisture levels.


  • We recommend not closing the house up air tight. Rain, fluctuating temp changes and air pressure rises/drops increase the risk of excess condensation building up on surfaces such as glass, tiles and other hard surfaces.

  • During the cooler months try to keep a few windows cracked open to allow for adequate air flow, use a fan to help circulate the air and (almost) close these windows by mid-late afternoon to prevent the colder air coming in and creating excess condensation.

  • Running dehumidifiers will also be beneficial as they remove the excess moisture or the use of moisture absorbers will help.

  • Using column oil heaters on a low setting is recommended. They work well in larger areas to help prevent condensation building up.

  • Attending to and rectifying any water that leaks (rooves, taps, gutters, under the ground) is imperative as these areas need to be dried as quickly as possible to avoid creating a prime breeding ground for mould.

  • Using kitty litter/water absorbing granules on wet areas can be beneficial to help dry areas faster.